People and Prayer

September is a month of prayer for us at Cap City. We aren’t too good at it to be honest, but we are growing. In partnership with other traditional churches and a network of house churches we are once again pursuing a vision of 24/7 prayer for 30 days. While we know we do not have the numbers or buy in to truly fill 24/7 we are expectant that every moment, every hour of every day that is our prayer room is filled with the cries, hopes, dreams, distracted thoughts, and repentant hearts of saints will be a true and honest offering to the Lord.

In this month the Lord has clarified once again what I (Michael) am to be focused on at all times, but I would say even more particularly in this season. The first is, of course, prayer. Listening for the voice of the Lord in the quiet hours of the morning. Intercession for the hurting brother. Prayer of Blessing for longing sister. Petition for the pains of my friends who aren’t friends with Jesus. I so foolishly forget that this is the work. He is illuminating the white harvest fields and pointing me, brokenhearted for his world and his people, toward the ripe and ready.

The second piece of focus is then, of course, people. People in my life, but particularly the people illuminated by the Spirit in my times of prayer. Hungry people in our church community. The bamboozled neighbor who realizes I’m serious about Jesus and how much he loves his friends. The coworker who is warming up to greater intimacy with me and my family. The barista at my local coffee shop (yeah, classic I know) who wants to hang out outside of the shop because I just sit and listen… mostly. The missionaries in my city who are hurting from years of faithfulness with little fruit and little help, but lots of perseverance after Jesus and the call he has given them.

Obviously. The reality is that their are numerous things that need SOME attention every now and then, but these two are my calling. More than preaching micro-sermons every now and then. More than training emerging missionaries. More than sharing the gospel with the lost. These things of teaching, training, sharing, and more are great because they come FROM prayer TO people.

Pray with me.

Love people with me.

Together we are doing the work of God in our patches of creation as they become new creation.

Other Troublemaking Activities…

Since our last update…

  • We have finished our second round of our Missionary Pathway Training. This is a space to spark missionary identity in the lives of everyday followers of Jesus. This has been a great space to help others discover their next steps in following Jesus into the harvest.

  • We have started our second year at DCIS Fairmont where Aksel (2nd grade), Flora (Spanish Immersion Kinder), and Frances (ECE 3) all attend school. All are (mostly) loving life in school!

  • Ally has moved into a larger studio that she shares with two other artists. It has been such an impactful move relationally as well as for her business.

  • Michael has taken on the (moderately) official title of Vice President of the Parent Teacher Organization. This is a critical space to not only impact a few activities in the school each year, but to curate a space of love, joy, and peace where people can learn they belong whether a parent, a student, or staff at the school.

  • Continued to be faithful with the relationships, new and less new, in prayer, DBS, and friendship. God is clearly leading us to particular people in our neighborhood, in our school

Prayer / Practical Needs

  • Our Family

    • We are moving. We are fighting hard to stay in the neighborhood, but we are most likely going to be losing something(s) in the move whether it is neighbors, square footage, comfort, or otherwise. Pray for the right place to open up by the end of this week as we need to make our final decision.

    • Unity, joy, and healthy bodies through the winter (KEEP PRAYING). School has started which means germs are flying everywhere.

    • Ally’s business to flourish and her with it.

    • For Michael to get the right job this fall as he pursues bivocational work in a new way.

      • We pray for relationships, soft soil for the gospel, flexible scheduling, proximity to our neighborhood, and even decent pay.

  • DCIS at Fairmont Elementary School

    • Staff and Administration

    • Inroads that are paved with love by us being a blessing.

    • Pray for Wes, a custodial staff that we have begun a joyful friendship with.

  • People far from Jesus:

    • Ciara, Chandler, Jon, Mikey, Matt, Caleb, Greg, Dana, Tuan, Amy, Mike, Avery, John, Ramsey, Walter, another John and so so many more.

  • Our Church

    • We want to open a permanent 24/7 prayer room in our city. This takes prayer and money. Pray for the place to show up, and if you want to help fund this place let me know. We are undergoing a month of (makeshift) 24/7 prayer with a big push the last two days of the month. PRAY WITH US.

    • Emerging leaders, united as one body, disciple-makers to be exposed and called, gifts and callings to be identified.

    • Deliverance (action) taken by our people as we follow Jesus.


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